Miembros Adheridos


Integrity 360

Web: www.integrity360.com
Ireland - Headquarter
Block 4, Harcourt Centre Harcourt Road
Dublin 2 - Dublin, Ireland
+353 (0)1 5065556

Italy - Registered Office
Via John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 5
80125 - Naples, Italy

Italy - Operations
Via Baldassarre Castiglione, 55
00142 - Rome, Italy
+39 06 92958418

An "A" team of experts

Integritys 360 professionals are trained to deliver a complete solution and assist you through the Cyber Resilience journey from the very first assessment and validation and continuing through the monitoring and maintenance of your security status. It's security as a service.

Professional Services

A team of cyber resilience experts with a long experience and specialized in secure code review, Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), penetration testing and vulnerability assessment, PCI DSS, PA DSS and P2PE compliance from the first phase of pre-audit requirements validation until the final audit, generation and submission of the Report on Compliance (RoC).